Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science (BSCS) is designed for students planning a career in computing. To complete the BSCS, students must meet all requirements for an applied science degree from the McKelvey School of Engineering in addition to the below requirements. The degree requires 120 units including core courses, math courses, and electives.

Required Core Courses (21 Units Total)

Code Title Units
CSE 131 Introduction to Computer Science 3
CSE 132 Introduction to Computer Engineering 3
CSE 240
or Math 310
Logic and Discrete Mathematics
Foundations for Higher Mathematics
CSE 247 Data Structures and Algorithms 3
CSE 332S Object-Oriented Software Development Laboratory 3
CSE 347 Analysis of Algorithms 3
CSE 361S Introduction to Systems Software 3
Total units 21

*Each of these core courses must be passed with a grade of C- or better.

Systems Requirement (3 Units). Choose one of:

Code Title Units
CSE 422S Operating Systems Organization 3
CSE 425S Programming Systems and Languages 3
CSE 431S Translation of Computer Languages 3
CSE 433S Introduction to Computer Security 3
CSE 434S Reverse Engineering and Malware Analysis 3
CSE 473S Introduction to Computer Networks 3

Methods Requirement (3 Units). Choose one of:

Code Title Units
CSE 256A Introduction to Human-Centered Design 3
CSE 411A AI and Society 3
CSE 412A Introduction to Artificial Intelligence 3
CSE 416A Analysis of Network Data 3
CSE 417T Introduction to Machine Learning 3
or ESE 417 Introduction to Machine Learning and Pattern Recognition (ESE 417 would not count towards the required 2 CSE courses at 400+ and would be counted as an out of department course) 3
CSE 442T Introduction to Cryptography 3
CSE 457A Introduction to Visualization 3
CSE 468T Introduction to Quantum Computing 3

Technical Electives

15 additional units (5 courses) of CSE Technical Electives, which can come from any CSE classroom course including Systems and Methods Courses.

Overall Degree Restrictions

Up to 6 units total can come from a combination of approved CSE Independent Study (CSE 400E) or approved courses from other departments, such as ESE 417. Courses taken in other departments must have significant technical computing content, including those outside of the Engineering School. Complete the following form to request review of non-CSE courses: Elective Request. Students with interests in a particular area of computing should refer to the technical elective course sequences for suggestions on which courses are relevant to that area.

At least two courses must be CSE classroom courses at the 400-level or higher.

All courses must be taken for a grade. Core, Systems, and Methods requirements require a C- or better. All other courses require a passing grade.

Math Requirements

*Upon completing a course in the calculus sequence (Math 131-Math 132-Math 233) with a grade of C+ or better, the student may apply to receive credit for the preceding courses in the calculus sequence by following the department's back credit policy.

Additional Departmental Requirements

Code Title Units
CWP 100 College Writing I 3
Engr 310 Technical Writing 3
Natural Sciences electives 8
Humanities and Social Sciences electives 18
Total Units 32

*The College Writing and Humanities and Social Sciences requirements are those required of all students in the McKelvey School of Engineering. The Natural Sciences requirement is for 8 units designated NSM (Natural Sciences and Mathematics) from any of the following departments: Anthropology; Biology; Chemistry; Earth, Environmental, and Planetary Sciences; Environmental Studies, or Physics. The College Writing and Natural Sciences courses must be completed with a grade of C- or better.

All courses taken to meet any of the above requirements (with the exception of the humanities and social sciences electives) cannot be taken on a pass/fail basis.