Docketing Statement PA: Everything You Need to Know
A docketing statement PA is a supplemental form that is used to create a new business entity in the state of Pennsylvania. The docketing statement will be included with the submission for your new business and certificate of organization when you file it with the Pennsylvania Department of State. The statement does not require any fee and will be required to include some basic information on your company such as:
- The business name
- Type of organization
- Description of business activities
2016 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes: Docketing Statement
There are some general regulations concerning the 2016 Pennsylvania Consolidated Statutes requirements for docking statements. Requirements include:
- They must be published in the Pennsylvania Code
- They will not be integrated into a document that covers the requirements for filing
- They may be required with a filing only if the notice of requirement appears on an official format for filing
- They will not be required to be on department-furnished forms
- They shall not be a filed document by the department for the purposes of any other provision of law
When being transmitted to the Department of Revenue, the docketing statement will need the fact and the date of the filing to which the docketing statement relates. If it is not required for a specific filing, the Department of State can transmit a copy of the filing to the Department of Revenue at no cost. The Department of State can also transmit a copy of the docketing statement to other agencies.
Purpose of the Docketing Statement
The purpose of a docketing statement can be appealed in Superior Court. A form will need to be completed by the Superior Court and returned after 10 days of the appeal being filed. When deciding on whether or not a docketing statement was proper, the court may ask the following questions.
- Was it filed in the proper jurisdiction?
- Was the transcript paid for?
- Are there other relevant cases?
- What issues does the appeal note?
- Were the parties of record and case caption entered properly?
While the docketing statement may seem like it is redundant paperwork, it can serve a valuable purpose for the Superior Court in the event they need to handle an appeal.
Steps for Filing a New Entity PA Docketing Statement
There are a few simple steps to follow to complete your PA docketing statement.
- Check the appropriate box - You will need to check a box indicating whether you will be applying as a Pennsylvania business or a foreign business entity. If your business will be considered a foreign entity, you will need to include the state and country in which it was formed and the formation date.
- Choose an entity name - You will need to include the full legal name of your business including all necessary punctuation.
- Provide the names and mailing addresses of the individuals who will be responsible for the initial tax reports- You will need to indicate who will be receiving the initial tax reports from the PA Department of Revenue. You can also have these documents sent directly to your accountant.
- Describe the activity your business will engage in - Since your certificate of organization will already obtain a statement of purpose, you can simply copy this portion onto your docketing statement.
- Specify your date - You should list the future effective date of the start of your business.
- Add in yourEIN - While many businesses obtain an Employer Identification number to perform business activities, some businesses are not required to have them. You should put off obtaining your EIN until your business has been approved and your documents finalized to ensure your name was accepted. If you do not provide your EIN on your docketing statement, but your business requires one, you will be responsible for providing it to the Pennsylvania Department of Revenue once it is received.
- List your fiscal year end - Many companies will choose December 31 to conclude their fiscal year. This allows it to coincide with your personal taxes. If you decide that you want to use an alternative date, you will need to indicate it on your docketing statement.
- List of fictitious names - If you are operating as a DBA, you will need to file under your legal name and include your various fictitious names.
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