I am animating a volume meter, and have done the "tricky bit" of getting the volume value. Now I want to apply the volume value to a mask , so that as the music moves, the mask is exposed in time to the beat. I have tried two ways, the first by scaling the mask. However, I can't get it to scale in one direction only (i.e. it scales around a center point.) Even if I move the pan anchor it still doesn't pin the base of the shape. The other way I tried was using a linear wipe. However, this was no good either, as the whole wipe effect is completed at 38% (i.e. if I move the slider the object vanishes totally at 38%, not 100% as I would expect.) Is there a better way to do this? Seems simple, but has me stumped.
asked Apr 16, 2015 at 9:20 195 1 1 gold badge 2 2 silver badges 9 9 bronze badgesDemo in AE 22.0.0
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